A Nuclear Future for the Maritime Sector
Embracing nuclear technology will enable the maritime sector to move into a new era of prosperity through clean energy

The nature of the shipping industry is changing. The maritime sector is on the brink of a transformation as great as that between the age of sail and the adoption of steam propulsion. But while some present this challenge as an onerous burden, it in fact presents a huge opportunity –to revolutionize port operations and shipping, while making them more efficient and more cost effective.
Ports and shipping companies, like the rest of society, rely on the vast benefits that fossil fuels provide. But the industry is mandated to move away from these fuels over the coming decades. So, we need to find a complementary replacement over time that provides abundant energy – and, importantly, provide that energy on demand and at low cost.
Some have proposed synthetic ‘green’ fuels as a solution, but they are neither complementary nor a viable replacement for fossil fuels. Synthetic liquid fuels (such as ammonia and methanol) are produced using electricity from low- or zero-carbon sources. Although synthetic fuels could be used in combustion engines, producing them efficiently and at scale would require vast amounts of green electricity. Their energy density is much lower than existing fuels, which means we need a lot more fuel to produce power. Clearly, we need a different approach.
A solution exists that will enable the maritime sector to improve efficiency and lower costs. It will also allow port and ship operators to provide wider benefits to society. That solution is nuclear energy.
The Nuclear Option
To understand the potential of nuclear energy, it’s essential to grasp how it works. It uses the process of nuclear fission – splitting the atom. When the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller nuclei, this releases an immense amount of energy in the form of heat. This heat is used to produce steam or hot gas, which drives turbines connected to generators that produce electricity.
Nuclear energy can create vast amounts of electricity. It is vastly more energy-dense than fossil fuels, and decades of operational experience show that it is a good alternative.
But nuclear energy has also faced headwinds throughout its history. Traditional nuclear reactors use solid uranium fuel and need pressurized water for coolant. This requires complex safety and containment shelters, which have pushed up costs and construction times.
To roll out nuclear on a large scale, we need a new approach. New concepts and technologies are being developed that will help unlock nuclear energy's full potential.
Make it Modular
One such concept is that of small modular reactors ("SMRs"). Traditionally, nuclear power plants have been built as large, oneoff installations at the gigawatt scale, with little standardization of construction techniques or components. By contrast, SMRs are smaller, with generation capacities of less than 300MW, and mass assembled on a production line. Building each component in this modular makes them cheaper and quicker to build. The small size of SMRs means they can be easily shipped to where they are needed.
Additionally, advanced nuclear technologies can improve safety and efficiency while further reducing costs. Designs for next-generation reactors will use new types of fuel – for example, using a molten salt to carry the uranium rather than solid fuel pellets. This offers improved safety as the reactors operate at lower pressures, reducing the risk of failure while reducing costs, as expensive containment and safety systems are not as important. Significantly, advanced nuclear technologies use uranium much more efficiently than traditional reactors, enabling them to run for many years – even decades – without refueling.
Putting these pieces together, it's easy to see how they can benefit ports and the wider maritime industry, and vice versa.
Shipyards have been using modular construction techniques for decades. Building advanced SMRs in shipyards will make use of existing skilled workforces to deliver energy projects on time and on budget. Additionally, maritime manufacturing will enable nuclear energy projects to be produced as two key applications: floating nuclear power plants ("FNPPs") and marine civil nuclear propulsion ("MCNP").
Energy Afloat
From a port operations point of view, FNPPs are likely the most attractive of these two options. As their name

suggests, FNPPs are power plants that employ SMRs securely installed in floating barges. They will be mass produced in shipyards and then towed to locations around the globe. FNPPs can then provide electricity to local grids and provide power for port services. They can even be used off-grid for purposes such as desalination, decarbonizing upstream oil and gas operations, or powering AI data centers. It’s been done in the U.S. before.
The first FNPP, the Sturgis, was deployed in the Panama Canal in 1968. Floating fossil fuel power barges are already in operation worldwide and thus are a proven concept. FNPPs will provide clean, reliable electricity to where it is needed in the same way. Smaller, nearshore barges can be berthed at ports, while larger capacity plants will be moored further offshore. In both cases, FNPPs can be quickly installed and easily towed back to central servicing yards for refueling or decommissioning. This ‘plug and play’ flexibility means FNPPs can easily respond to changes in energy demand.
With these factors in mind, it’s easy to see why FNPPs in various configurations present an attractive opportunity to port operators. They will provide electricity to power quayside services and could easily be used to supply surplus power to the local electricity grid – potentially creating extra revenue – at times when harbor-based demand is low.
This means using nuclear to power ports will only increase the economic benefits that the maritime sector already provides, such as boosting economic development, providing strong infrastructure and offering long-term employment opportunities.
Moreover, FNPPs will solve the problem of rising demand for electricity for port operations. With the San Pedro Bay ports (Los Angeles and Long Beach) needing 585 MW of generation capacity by 2050, according to Pacific Merchant Shipping Association estimates, it’s clear that FNPPs will be well placed to cater for this burgeoning need.
The engineering and regulatory hurdles involved in building FNPPs are lower than those for MCNP ships and therefore FNPPs will be built first. The use of nuclear propulsion in ships isn’t new – its origins stretch back 70 years. The United States launched the world’s first nuclear-powered submarine in 1954, and nuclear propulsion was more widely adopted in various military vessels, including surface ships, over the following decades.
Atomic Advantage

The advantages of nuclear-powered ships are obvious. They can operate for years without refueling, and travel at faster speeds than conventional vessels. Also, the space needed for nuclear fuel is tiny in comparison with the space needed for fossil fuels, freeing up more room for cargo.
These massive potential benefits mean MCNP could revolutionize not only the shipping sector, but also the entire world. Eighty percent of global trade is carried by sea, meaning that swifter and efficient nuclear-powered merchant ships will transform the world economy.
Given these enormous advantages, how come the civil shipping sector hasn't taken up nuclear propulsion on a large scale? The answer is because the global nuclear regulatory environment is not set up to govern the operation of civil nuclear-powered vessels.
So, bringing FNPPs and MCNP to market demands much more than simply creating the technology. It requires a holistic solution that will need to create the regulatory operating environment and physical infrastructure necessary for both solutions to work – from creating the global consensus on regulation and insurance, to building the supply chain and training the workforce, to ensuring robust procedures for servicing and decommissioning.
Navigating the Challenges
CORE POWER is building a Maritime Civil Nuclear Program – the first of its kind within the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ("OECD"). It is funded by substantial investments from strategic customers in shipping, industrial energy, finance and private equity.
We also a founding member of the Nuclear Energy Maritime Organization ("NEMO"). NEMO is an international industry association working to assist governments and intergovernmental agencies in developing
harmonized regulations for maritime nuclear applications. With over 30 organizations contributing expertise – from classification societies and insurers to reactor manufacturers and shipyards – NEMO is laying the foundation for integrating nuclear technology into the marine sector.
Meanwhile, CORE POWER, along with key partners, is developing the technology needed for FNPPs and MCNP. Using advanced nuclear technologies for FNPPs and maritime propulsion will solve the problems of insurability and conforming to regulatory requirements.
Once these regulations are in place, port operators will be in a prime position to benefit from the nuclear revolution. The expertise they gain in operating FNPPs can then be used to facilitate the operation of nuclear-powered vessels – ensuring a competitive advantage over non-nuclear operators.
Voyage Into the Future
The maritime sector certainly has critical challenges to face over the coming years. But nuclear energy’s potential to create economic growth means it is a game-changing solution. The unparalleled efficiency, low cost and adaptability of advanced nuclear technologies hold the key to a sustainable maritime future. These technologies will enable the sector to improve economics and efficiency while complying with ever stricter emissions regulations.
By championing innovations such as advanced SMRs and FNPPs, and partnering with companies such as CORE POWER, port operators can lead the way in embracing clean, reliable, and scalable energy solutions.
Why nuclear is the ideal solution:
Zero emissions: nuclear power produces no harmful emissions, making them ideal for meeting stringent environmental regulations.
Unmatched efficiency: a single nuclear fuel load can power advanced reactors for years or even decades, eliminating the need for frequent refueling and reducing operational costs.
Energy independence: unlike fossil fuels, nuclear power is less affected by price volatility and geopolitical tensions, ensuring stable operating costs.
As we navigate the seas of change, harnessing maritime nuclear power will help us chart a course toward a more prosperous world.
About the Author

Mikal Boe
Mikal Boe is CEO of CORE POWER, a developer of new nuclear technologies for marine applications, with offices in London, Washington, and Tokyo.