Governor Abbott Appoints Scheibe, Hogan to Private Sector Advisory Council

Member Updates,

Governor Greg Abbott has appointed Gary Scheibe and Chris Hogan to the Private Sector Advisory Council for terms set to expire at the pleasure of the governor. The Council advises the Governor on homeland security issues that are pertinent to the private sector.

Gary Scheibe of Cypress is a security manager with Deer Park Refining, LP. He is chairman of the Houston Ship Channel Security District and co-chair of the Security Committee for the East Harris County Manufacturers Association. Scheibe received a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Master of Science in Security Management from the University of Houston.

Chris Hogan of Angleton is the director of protective services for Port Freeport. He is an executive board member of the Area Maritime Security Committee and member of the National Sheriff’s Association, ASIS International, Global Society of Homeland and National Security Professionals, National Fire Protection Association, and Emergency Management Association of Texas. Additionally, he serves as the vice president of the Brazosport Marine Action Team. Hogan received a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology from West Texas A&M University.