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By CAPT Bill Diehl, GHPB President February was a frustrating time to live and work in Houston. When so much of the “energy capital of...

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By Tom Marian, Buffalo Marine Service, Inc. The Discovery Corps’ winter of 1804 was a brutal one. The Lewis and Clark Expedition chose the...

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By Judith Schultz, GHPB When you least expect it, old becomes new again. Old sea shanties have been embraced by a new generation of singers –...

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IMO-Norway project is supporting States to implement energy efficiency measures and explore opportunities for low carbon shipping. GreenVoyage2050...

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Fighting COVID-19 with Immunity “The immune system is relied upon in a variety of ways to fight COVID-19,” said Dr. H. Dirk Sostman in...

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The passenger side-view mirror gives me a much clearer view of the right side of the road than my rear-view mirror. Since its convex, it provides a...

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By Tom Marian, Buffalo Marine Service, Inc. Stumbled upon by a British sea captain, annexed by Germany, conquered by Japan and liberated by...

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By Marco (Marc) Ayala, 1898 & Co. and Chris Wolski, Port Houston Over the last few years, it has become increasingly clear that the maritime...

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By Chris Wolski, Port Houston Each year various reports are released from think tanks indicating the risks of cyberattacks continue to grow. The...

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The United States will likely take years to return to 2019 levels of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions following the impact of...

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Wind Energy Farms, Space Flight Launches in 2021 Coast Guard Planning “I am a fan of the Houston Ship Channel. It’s one of our...

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If you'd like to read the February 2021 Port Bureau News magazine in PDF, click here to view or download in sequential-page view. If you prefer...

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